Charm your wallet: 15% off 3-5 items, or 20% off if you buy 6+ items
Charm your wallet: 15% off 3-5 items, or 20% off if you buy 6+ items
Charm your wallet: 15% off 3-5 items, or 20% off if you buy 6+ items

About Us

About Us


From Born to Reborn

Glia Beauty is a brand of premium skin and hair care line dermatologically tested and proven to work while being immunologically friendly. Our formulas contain an innovative synergy among effective ingredients such as Probiotics, Exosomes and Growth Factors from the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells collected from the umbilical cords donated by healthy newborns, Vitamins and Amino acids. 

Besides these one-of-a-kind formulas, the whole brand gathers the strictest best practices with low impact to our environment and absolutely no animal cruelty or child labor. 

Glia Beauty is created by scientists from NC State University and the University of Guadalajara, exclusively, for assertive people who embrace technology, science and nature.  People who care about what enters through the first layer of defense and do not want to put at risk their own bodies at any stage of their lives along with the stages that requires the most care, including but not limited to pregnancy, wound recovering from accidents or violence, diabetic complications, and immunosuppressive and autoimmune diseases.



Let’s be beautiful in health, harmonious in Glia.

We believe that everyone should experience the benefits of our unique skin care technology to have a boosted immune system to fight against current and upcoming climate and pathogenic challenges. 

Our primary mission is to enhance the overall well-being of the skin and hair with formulations that are immuno-friendly. In order to achieve this objective, we are firmly committed to offer sophisticated solutions that are grounded in scientific research and innovation, alongside our firm belief that the benefits of a healthy skin and strong hair should be accessible to everyone, without exception, and without any fear of usage.



Glia Beauty works no matter our skin color or biotype.

 Whether we want to improve the texture of our mature skin, whether it is dry or oily and suffers from oily breakouts. We want to provide ourselves with the opportunity to stop this moving forward time machine and its signs. 

 Therefore, Glia Beauty has formulations that improve any skin type, without causing pharmaco-dependance or damage to our organs. While enriched with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Growth Factors and Exosomes, Glia Beauty haircare products prevent hair loss and strengthen thinning hair.

We encourage you to discover Glia Beauty Skincare and Glia Beauty Haicare for a better version of yourself, with technologies that most specialists in the industry cannot still master. 

Our Team

We are CryoGen Immuno Pharma, and we have developed GLIA BEAUTY, a premium skin care line for individuals like us. Individuals that are confident, assertive, celebrate life while embracing scientific progress and love to take care of themselves so we can show our inner beauty reflected externally. 

Our Team

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Pellentesque dignissim at ante sed iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sod

Pellentesque dignissim at ante sed iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sod

Pellentesque dignissim at ante sed iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sod


FDA Procedures Associates

Corporate Associates

Patent, Trademark, and Distribution Associates

Zoe Draelos, MD
Dermatology Consulting Services, PLLC

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